The Catholic Women’s League is a fellowship of Catholic Women united through our common faith and with the Patronage of Mother Mary we work under the motto of Charity, Work and Loyalty. We are active in almost every sphere of parish life and fundraise for the various projects of the league. These are the Adoption Society, Mary Immaculate pre-school in Eldorado Park, Mamahau Community support in Soweto that does home based care for victims of AIDS, the aged and house bound sick, Wonke Wonke Day care centre in Eldorado Park and Kopanong soup Kitchen in Soweto.
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month at 9:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Mother Teresa belongs to the whole world—not to Roman Catholics only, not to Christians only. Indeed, she is the first religious figure in history.
Humility, simplicity, and sacrifice are the terms most often associated with Mother Teresa and her work—though many who encountered her personally would quickly add tenacity.