Catholic Men’s Forum, was established in 2013, after a Men/s conference at the Cathedral of Christ the King, Johannesburg, following a call by His Grace Archbishop Buti Thagale, out of a situation of moral decay in the society, where morally unacceptable behaviors have become the norm and reigns supreme unchallenged.
The Forum, is a platform for Catholic Men to respond, and pledge their unwavering commitment to the course of eradicating these social ills in their respective parishes and the society at large. The Forum affords the Catholic men of Faith an opportunity to “Talk the Talk” and to “Walk the Walk” – take a firm stand against the social ills that confront our communities.
These deplorable evil atrocities aggravated by weak morals and principles of men in all spheres in the society have led to:
In the being of the year, 2019, some catholic men of faith in our parish St Patrick Catholic Church La “Rochelle, established a branch of Catholic Men’s Forum in the parish. The inauguration of the Forum was through the tireless effort of our parish Priest Rev. Fr. Jorge Guerra and Deacon Walter Middleton.
The Forum members meets once a month, every first Sunday at 09 : 00 and had being playing active roles in the parish and in assisting and mentoring other groups in the parish like the Youth Group, the Ushers etc.
The Forum this year has held four (4) fund raising functions in the form of Borewors sales.
The Catholic Men’s Forum participated actively in all parish events and activities this year, these includes among others the 24 hours for the Lord, First Friday prayer and Adoration, Synod document discussion, Mission month ………………………